In what I consider to be a fast moving tech world it is still interesting to find those in their early 40’s through mid 50”s that are still not liking the changes. With everything we read we begin to believe the that rate of acceptance of the new technologies is increasing at a high rate of speed. And yet corporate America may not be as advanced as the rest of the world.
I was involved in some iPad training this past week and much to my surprise I found push back.
Now I am a Windows user and history tells you that I purchased that first IBM PC in 1981, became a Windows user with version 3 and since that time I have also become an adamant Microsoft Office user – it doesn’t get any better than the power of Microsoft Word or Excel.
In the past few (3?) years I have discovered that one device does not do it all. I have found that there are other devices that have a place in our wonderful world of technology, the iPad being one of them.
I am also a big fan of Android. Just added the latest Microsoft Outlook app on my Samsung Galaxy S3 phone from the Google Play Store.
Microsoft recently made the Mobile Office app for iPad available and I instantly went for it. The Mobile Office app that includes Word, Excel, and OneNote is the best app I have used on any device – Windows tablets included. I want access to these tools on any device however I don’t need the full power until I get back into the office but while on the road they are GREAT!
Yes I have the Microsoft Office 365 Subscription as I believe it is also the best way to have all the tools. For the price it cannot be beat in today’s market.
The frustration is coming when the highly skilled, white collar (update auto correct) employee, cannot have access to the best of the best app on any device. The frustration will focus on; 1) the app producer (as in “why can’t I get this on my Android tablet?”), or 2) the employer that won’t allow it (“it will be a cold day in h___ before you bring that into this office!”)
I hear it now in coffee shop conversations; “Yea, we can’t do that in our slow moving company.” “The company is so far behind the times.”: :Maybe it’s time to go with someone who is moving ahead in this world.” The best one; “Are you kidding? In our company? That’s a joke. We will never see it.”
It’s not easy keeping up with the changes internally and I agree with that. The big question is; who is holding you back? The what that is being used as the roadblock can be worked out with a positive, forward thinking, attitude. Yes it will take some learning – Life is a Learning Experience.
If the organization is a forward thinking entity then it too can follow some of the greatest advice directed at individuals.
OK soapbox over. Check out a good read in the NY Times Bits Blog this morning, The Era of Cloud Computing. Not sure I agree with everything however each of us has to make the choices. I know there could be a pay wall – another sign of the times. (pun?)

Now I am a Windows user and history tells you that I purchased that first IBM PC in 1981, became a Windows user with version 3 and since that time I have also become an adamant Microsoft Office user – it doesn’t get any better than the power of Microsoft Word or Excel.
In the past few (3?) years I have discovered that one device does not do it all. I have found that there are other devices that have a place in our wonderful world of technology, the iPad being one of them.
I am also a big fan of Android. Just added the latest Microsoft Outlook app on my Samsung Galaxy S3 phone from the Google Play Store.
Microsoft recently made the Mobile Office app for iPad available and I instantly went for it. The Mobile Office app that includes Word, Excel, and OneNote is the best app I have used on any device – Windows tablets included. I want access to these tools on any device however I don’t need the full power until I get back into the office but while on the road they are GREAT!
Yes I have the Microsoft Office 365 Subscription as I believe it is also the best way to have all the tools. For the price it cannot be beat in today’s market.
The frustration is coming when the highly skilled, white collar (update auto correct) employee, cannot have access to the best of the best app on any device. The frustration will focus on; 1) the app producer (as in “why can’t I get this on my Android tablet?”), or 2) the employer that won’t allow it (“it will be a cold day in h___ before you bring that into this office!”)
I hear it now in coffee shop conversations; “Yea, we can’t do that in our slow moving company.” “The company is so far behind the times.”: :Maybe it’s time to go with someone who is moving ahead in this world.” The best one; “Are you kidding? In our company? That’s a joke. We will never see it.”
It’s not easy keeping up with the changes internally and I agree with that. The big question is; who is holding you back? The what that is being used as the roadblock can be worked out with a positive, forward thinking, attitude. Yes it will take some learning – Life is a Learning Experience.
If the organization is a forward thinking entity then it too can follow some of the greatest advice directed at individuals.
If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
An attitude where people and their work comes ahead of ego’s, arrogance, and fear. Then perhaps the organization will become the best at what they do and those internally will grow as well as the company.
OK soapbox over. Check out a good read in the NY Times Bits Blog this morning, The Era of Cloud Computing. Not sure I agree with everything however each of us has to make the choices. I know there could be a pay wall – another sign of the times. (pun?)
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