I have heard that I am not the only one unhappy with OneDrive and this morning I got a little more frustrated (and I do not believe in getting frustrated). I am not your upper corporate account nor am I a worldly recognized consultant, I AM A USER! The most important user in my world. I am not happy with OneDrive and will talk about it.
An issue that I have mentioned before begins with a file that did not transfer to OneDrive correctly or is corrupt. If you use OneDrive I suggest you save a copy to your computer hard drive first and then save it to OneDrive. I have lost files. I have not had this issue with Dropbox or Google Drive.
This morning I tried to download an important file for me to do some work (for which I only have one easily accessible copy). Here is the message I received.
When I clicked on “View sync problems” I received another screen that said:
All actions are complete
Your files are up to date – last updated 24 minutes ago.
Just like everything was fine. Then I received a subsequent message that stated the “remote procedure had failed.”. ??????
I am still getting this same message only now it says “one hour ago”.
Upon getting this message I immediately went to Dropbox and opened a file without issue. The same goes for a file that was in Google Drive. My connection to the Internet is right-on, no issues here with access and yet I cannot have a file that I need. OneDrive is supposed to work for ME! If it doesn’t work for ME how do I get enthusiastic about someone else using it?
This is one of the two reasons I will not use OneNote anymore – and I used to be an evangelist for OneNote. I had sync issues with the ‘older’ OneDrive named Mesh. Sync would not work all the time and I could wind up with two notebooks and then I had to figure out which was the right one. I did not have that issue with Evernote. I have recently considered using OneNote as there are features that I like however I will have to use it on my Desktop, my laptop, my Android phone, and my iPad, not to mention my HP Windows tablet. One sync issue and it’s all over and therefore I won’t try. I don’t have time to test, test, test.
This issue this morning, with the only copy of the file, is one reason I am not convinced that OneDrive is the way to go. Yes I can get another copy however that is going to be time consuming,
On the other hand perhaps Microsoft, in it’s infinite wisdom, has decided they only need to worry about the Enterprise and their OneDrive for Business is good the rest of us can just drop off the end of the earth. Well guess what? I am a user and I do talk to people in the Enterprise and I do suggest “Be very careful of OneDrive”.
I keep my car up-to-date with maintanance and I expect it to start every time I get into it, If it doesn’t I call the dealer. When OneDrive doesn’t work who do I call? I think it is time to upgrade my Dropbox account.
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