First the article in the N.Y.Times: “G.E. Plans App Store for Gears of Industry” and then the lead in from all the resources pointing to the article. (Warning – you may have to sign in to read this article)
First the N.Y. Times lead paragraph is: “General Electric has seen the future of manufacturing and it involves competing with some very big technology companies.
Here are others pointing to the same article with different lead paragraphs. “The investment of $500 million annually signals the importance of the so-called Internet of Things to the future of manufacturing.
So-called? “General Electric has seen the future of manufacturing and it involves competing with some very big technology companies.”
This could be true.
And now for my favorite from Techno stream: “Security fears surrounding the so-called Internet of Things are reaching new levels of anxiety.
I may have missed it but the original article did not mention fears so someone had to. Actually I enjoyed the original writing, so there.
I will leave you with one more.
From Good News: “General Electric has actually seen the future of manufacturing and it entails competing along with some rather big technology companies.”
I kind of like this one also. A slight change from the original but that makes this one original – or does it?