Monday, October 1, 2012

Ah, Somebody Like Me - Adapts Early And Then Goes Totally Over

This article by Nick Bilton at the NY Times (Blog) Bits (link at the bottom of this post) is about where I am at. I disagree greatly with those who say, based on past history, that we will not adapt easily to the coming changes. We adapt, and sometimes to easy. We forget what the past was like.

On one hand this could be my problem. I "remember" winding the phone handle to get the operator however that memory is actually as if I saw it in a movie rather than real life. The same goes for a typewriter. Every time I mention 'carriage return' I get some smiles and some questions. We do adapt - and we now walk upright.

Back a year or two ago I read Nick Bilton's book; "I live in the future & here's how it works". It is really a great read and fun. You can follow Nick Bilton's personal blog.

The blog post that led me to write is here, Disruptions: Your Brain on E-Books and Smartphone Apps - go on and read it, really a good way to smile and enjoy Monday.

It is Monday right?

'via Blog this'

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